lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

How to make enjoyable and useful lessons

Task Based Learning (TBL)

Do you know what is it?

  • Using task have been using a long time ago in other subjects but now, it is being used in learning a foreign language.
  • It is a teaching method. Students have to plan, implement and evaluate projects which have an application in a real world.
  • It says that, children learn more when they are focused on a task rather than on the language they are using.

 What are their benefits?

  1. Participation of students
  2. Cooperative work
  3. Speaking and lot of vocabulary learnt
  4. Motivation for learning
  5. Opportunities of learning
  6. Social and communicative skills development
  7. Self- esteem
  8. How to take responsability for a task
  9. How to work with other people or alone

How to implement it?

- Choose a theme to work in class

- Discussion between the teacher and students

- Guide students through the task and provide some information giving instructions

- Split up in groups or individually

- Monitor checks the activity on

- Each group or each person present the task

Technology and its impact

  • Hand vocabulary sheets out
  • Provide some parameters to help them
  • Work in groups or individually
  • Brainstorming in small groups setting advantages and disadvantages

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